Ambassador agreement

Soul co. Ambassadorship | Three month agreement

We are so excited to welcome you into our soul co. Ambassador community. This agreement serves to confirm your participation as well as your acceptance of the terms and conditions below.

The agreement

We are genuinely thrilled about this partnership, and want to realise its full potential. To achieve this, we request for the duration of your ambassadorship:

  • A minimum of one social media post per fortnight, tap- tagging @soulcoonline in the image, and including the following tags:
    • @soulcoonline
    • #soulcolife and #soulcofam;
  • Adherence to the above styling guidelines whenever possible;
  • Attendance at Soul Co.’s exclusive influencer and ambassador events whenever possible;
  • Exclusivity in your social media promotion of Soul Co.’s health bars;
  • Support with sharing your personalised fff discount code, and with launching soul co.’s new products and news to your community;
  • Positive portrayal of Soul Co. In public as well as in media;
  • Compliance with these terms and the confidentiality agreement below; and
  • Three- month agreement.


The benefits

To thank you for being a member of our exclusive soul co. Ambassador community, we would like to offer you the following benefits:

Complimentary soul co. Product

To help you live your best soul co. Life, we’d like for you to experience the benefits of soul co. First- hand and on a regular basis. We will deliver to you one box of your choice of soul co. Product each month for a total of three months.

For example, if you would like a box of soul co. Bars each month for the duration of your ambassadorship, we will deliver to you one box of 12 bars each month for a total of three months – i.e. 36 bars.

More complimentary soul co. Product

We understand that writing a blog post requires both time and effort. So, for each blog post that you write about soul co., we will deliver to you another complimentary box of product to say thank you.

A personalised fff code

At Soul Co., we love giving back to our community, and we want you to do the same! That’s why we will be giving you a personalised 5% discount code to share with your family, friends and followers (otherwise known as a FFF code). This code can be used from day one of your ambassadorship, and will be valid for the entire three month duration.

Exclusive events

A soul co. Life is rich and full; of memories, experiences and meaningful relationships. To help facilitate all of these things, we will be holding intimate events for our influencers, ambassadors and like-minded others.

Exclusive previews

We love your creativity and truly value your opinion – that’s why you will be among the first to experience new soul co. Initiatives. We look forward to your input and to hearing your constructive feedback.

And more

If you have any ideas or suggestions about how we can work together to spread the soul co. Life and love, please let us know. We’d love to hear from you!


Styling guidelines

We are incredibly proud to have you as an official soul co. Ambassador, and would love to show our community how you live your #soulcolife.

To assist us with maintaining soul co.’s aesthetic, please be mindful that we prefer content that:

  • Is clean and uncluttered;
  • Is simple, timeless and tasteful; and
  • Features plenty of white space or other “room to breathe”.

These are, of course, only guidelines. The most important factor is that you create content that you love and are proud of. We trust your sense of style – we’re already big fans of your creative direction!

Rest assured: when we do share your content, we promise to always credit you clearly and completely.


Confidentiality agreement

Because we value your thoughts and opinions, we will be sharing with you information regarding soul co.’s product developments and strategies.

Due to its confidential nature, this information must remain within the soul co. Community at all times and may not be divulged to other persons. This applies both during as well as following your term as a soul co. Ambassador.


Terms and termination

Soul co. Reserves the right to immediately terminate your appointment as an ambassador in the event that you breach any of the terms outlined in this agreement.

Please enter your name, email, and today’s date below. To indicate that you have read and agree to comply with the terms specified in this agreement, check the box labeled “I confirm my acceptance of the Terms and Conditions above.” This represents your digital signature.

If you should have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch.